Depuis 2021 les territoires dits tempérés voient l’expansion d’une nouvelle espèce végétale, particulièrement résistante, dont les fleurs et les feuilles, teintées de rouges carminés, ont été immédiatement utilisées dans la fabrication de pigments.
Cet organisme prospère dans les environnements habités ou autrefois habités par l’humain. Ces milieux construits ou abandonnés se sont par ailleurs multipliés et parce qu’ils sont hostiles à la plupart des végétaux,
ils s’avèrent décisifs pour la propagation de la plante.
Cette domination progressive du monde végétal change drastiquement le paysage – mais change aussi, pour la peinture, la fabrication des pigments qui n’a jamais été aussi facile. Bientôt, cette espèce sera devenue la source d’une couleur unique – peu d’organismes lui auront survécu.
La provenance des pigments n’est pas uniquement organique, mais l’omniprésence de cette teinte est un signe : l’empreinte d’une diversité végétale qui s’essouffle. La palette se teinte de nuances rouges de manière irréversible.
Lucie Payoux est peintre. Elle vit et travaille à Aarhus, au Danemark
Since 2021, the so-called temperate zones have witnessed the expansion of a new and particularly resistant plant species. Its flowers and leaves, tinged with carmine red, have been immediately used in producing pigments.
This organism thrives in environments currently or formerly inhabited by humans. The number of such built or abandoned environments has multiplied. Hostile to most plants, they are decisive for the propagation of the new plant species.
Its progressive domination of the plant world is drastically changing the landscape – but it also changes the production of paint pigments, which has never been so easy. Soon this species will have become the source of a unique colour – few organisms will have survived it.
While not all pigments are organic in origin, the omnipresence of this colour is a premonitory sign, marking the weakening of plant diversity. The palette is becoming irreversibly tinted with carmine reds.
Lucie Payoux is a painter. She lives and works in Aarhus, Denmark.
This exhibition presents the climax of assembling and composing diverse biological matter into supernatural microclimates on canvas. Though each organism was originally chosen for their individual characteristics, during the production process they are isolated from their natural environment and introduced to a controlled digital climate through the use of 3D software.
This translation from biological entity to digital 3D-model is analogous to gene modification; characteristics are enhanced or effaced through selection. Each digitally manipulated subject is then composed and artificially lit, thereby constructing a scene with reminiscence to landscape painting (scale and depth of space) and still life (internal relations) which is then applied to the canvas.
The production process constructs climates of tension where the boundaries of past/future and reality/fabrication are questioned in a Biological Science Fiction. Here the organisms conform to aesthetic fancies to constitute calm and colourful utopias.
Lucie Payoux builds spaces by associating 3d software with painting. Those techniques can be both paradoxal and complementary through the dialectic between virtuality and gesture. Through them Lucie questions scientific representations of the non-human. Science can create sterile images of ecosystems as well as reveal their unknown and fascinating sides. inspired by this scientific «bipolarity» Lucie represents synthetic organisms. Instead of co-existing in a landscape, fauna and flora are composed, like fruits for a still life. The wilderness becomes a garden, a utopia which is flourishing only because of its artificiality.